========================================== #phpmyadmin: Montly phpMyAdmin IRC meeting ========================================== Meeting started by nijel at 12:00:15 UTC. The full logs are available at https://irc.phpmyadmin.net/meetbot/phpmyadmin/2016/phpmyadmin.2016-09-14-12.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Meeting logs (nijel, 12:02:06) * PMA 4.4.x EOL (nijel, 12:04:00) * phpMyAdmin 4.4.x is only supported for security updates through October 1, 2016. Are we happy ending support at this time? (nijel, 12:04:19) * AGREED: 4.4 support will end on schedule (October 1st), there will be one more release before that (nijel, 12:12:37) * Real life meeting in 2017 (nijel, 12:12:48) * AGREED: Team meeting will happen on DebConf, we try to have presence at Percona Live as well. (nijel, 12:35:29) Meeting ended at 12:37:38 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * nijel (37) * ibennetch (20) * DevenB (11) * pmabot (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4